Support brackets for thermal insulation ОКТ4
OKT4 support bracket is intended for insertion of heating cable under the layer of thermal insulation.
The bracket may be used either as part of GTG-VK2 boxes intended for electrical connection to the cable, or it may be supplied separately.
Rounded edges exclude damage of heating cable during mounting. The product is mounted to the conduit by means of two metal rings that ensure ground circuit continuity.
OKT4 is made from aluminum alloy and that is why it became possible to reduce its size twice compared with previous analogues made from nickel-plated brass. Moreover, aluminum is resistant to impact loads. The bracket may be operated under negative temperatures up to -60 degrees.
Operating experience of the previous product and customer‘s requests were taken into account when designing support bracket OKT04. Upon customer‘s request, more than one bracket may be installed on the terminal box.
- Mounting does not require any additional cable gland.
- Rounded edges exclude damage of heating cable during mounting.
- Low weight thanks to aluminum-silicon alloy.
- Increased structural stability - reduced height of the bracket and increased support base.
- Design is approved by leading design institutes.
Scope of application – outdoor and indoor hazardous areas as per explosion protection marking, GOST 30852.13-2002 (IEC 60079-14:1996), areas with presence of combustible dust, as per GOST IEC 61241-3-2011, dangerous production facilities of I, II, III, IV hazard class supervised by Rostechnadzor of the RF and national technical supervision bodies of the Customs Union and CIS countries.


1Ex e IIС Gb X*

2Ex nR IIС Gc X*

Ex tb IIIC Db X*

Ex e IIС Gb U

Ex nR IIС Gc U

Ex tb IIIC Db U
*условия указаны в руководстве по эксплуатации
*conditions are specified in the operating instructions
Certificates and permits:
TU 27.33.13-031-72453807-2017
Ambient temperature, °С:
-60... +135
-20... +135 (for РН1, РН2)
M42х1,5 GOST 24705
Size of connected heating cable, mm:
up to 17
Aluminum silicon alloy
Bracket height:
H=115 mm (other height is available on customer’s request when the order contains at least 1000 pcs.)
Fixation on pipe:
2 fastening clamps on pipe
Climatic version:
NF1 (upon request NF2, NF3, NF4, NF5, F1, F2, F3, F5, MU1, MU2, MU3, MU4, W2.1, W5)
*Brackets are manufactured of different height as per customer’s specification when the order contains at least 1000 pcs.
Sealing rubber for heating cable
Other height of bracket
/H ( __ )
Version for tropics with protection against bugs
OKT4 |
/ |
Х |
– TU 3400-007-72453807-07 |
Options, accessories and versions |
Example: ОКТ4–TU 3400-007-72453807-07
GOST 14254-96 (IEC 529-89), GOST 30852.0-2002 (IEC 60079-0:1998), GOST 30852.1-2002 (IEC 60079-1:1998), GOST 30852.8-2002 (IEC 60079-0:1998), GOST 30852.10-2002 (IEC 60079-11:1999), GOST IEC 61241-1-1-2011, Ch. 7.3 PUE, Ch. 7.4 PUE, TR CU 012/2011, GOST 24754-2013, GOST 30852.20-2002