Explosion-proof equipment plant
+7(812) 448-90-90

ГОСТ Р ИСО 9001-2015 (ISO 9001:2015)

Equipment confirmed by certificate:

Explosion-proof aluminum-silicon alloy junction boxes series KSRV (SA/SAG) Dual Access Enclosure Series SHORV “HALK” Explosion-proof armored polyester junction boxes type KSRV-P (SA/P, KSRV-KP) Explosion-proof thermostat DVG-TERMOSTAT3 Aluminum-silicon alloy explosion-proof boxes SHORV (CCFE) (flameproof enclosures) Explosion-proof stainless steel junction boxes type KSRV-N (KSRV-S, SA/SS) Explosion-proof mild steel junction boxes type KSRV-M Ready standard assemblies of explosion-proof junction boxes KSRV-T... Ready standard assemblies of KSRV-T... explosion-proof junction boxes Explosion-proof boxes for connection of heating accessories under heat insulation GTG-VK2 (SA-A2CORD) Standard explosion-proof boxes for installation of heating systems of GTG-VK2 (SA-A2CORD) Explosion-proof boxes for connection of heating accessories under heat insulation GTG-VK1 (SA-CORD) Explosion-proof cable element for heating cable end termination GTG-ZGK (MC-CORD) (plug for heating cable) Standard explosion-proof boxes for installation of heating systems GTG-VK1 (SA-CORD) Explosion-proof interface splitter KTG-RI (SA-RS-422/485) SHORV…-O  (CCFE) explosion-proof boxes with window (flameproof joints) SHORVA…-О (CCA-V ) explosion-proof aluminum-silicon alloy boxes with window (flameproof joints) Explosion-proof stainless steel boxes of SHORV-N type (CCFE/SS) (flameproof enclosures) Aluminum-silicon alloy explosion-proof boxes SHORVA (CCA) (flameproof enclosures) Explosion-proof terminal boxes of KKVA (S) series KV-KIP (CSC) explosion-proof Exd enclosures (flameproof joints) for measuring instruments and video cameras (ammeters, v Explosion-proof local control stations as per customer's specification PKIVA (CSE) one-, two-, three-button explosion-proof local control stations and signaling devices Explosion-proof four-, five-, six-, seven-button explosion-proof local control stations and indicating devices PKIV (CSE Explosion-proof multi-button local control stations and indicating devices PKIV (CCFE-01) Ready standard Exd local control stations and indicating devices, rotary switches (switches) PPG series explosion-proof Ex d rotary switches 20А, 25А PPG series explosion-proof Ex d rotary switches 63A, 80A Aluminum-silicon alloy explosion-proof local control stations and indicating devices PKIE (SHORVE) as per customer's lay Ready aluminum-silicon alloy explosion-proof local control stations and indicating devices PKIE (SHORVE) Explosion-proof armored polyester local control stations and indicating devices PKIE-P (SHORVE-KP) as per customer's lay Ready standard armored polyester local control stations and indicating devices PKIE-P (SHORVE-KP) Explosion-proof stainless steel local control stations and indicating devices PKIE-N (SHORVE-S) as per customer's layout Ready standard stainless steel local control stations and indicating devices PKIE-N (SHORVE-S) PKIE-PKL explosion-proof rocker switches Flexible polymer cable elements armored with stainless steel MGR (SP/RUBBER) Control and indicating device with polymer base Explosion-proof built-in sockets type RGMEK for installation into enclosures with Explosion-proof extension cord RGM-U, RGS-U (PY-EXT) with reel Explosion-proof control units for lifting mechanisms PKIV-UPM, PKIVA-UPM Explosion-proof lift call panels PKIVA-UVL, lift control panels PKIV-ULK, lift control panels from roof PKIV-REVIZIYA, c Explosion-proof remote drive control panel PKIV-DPU, PKIE-DPU (CCFE-MR, SA-MR, CCFE-CF, SA-CF) KKG-MD (M-PC006) series explosion-proof three-dimensional coordinate control joysticks PGS-IT11 (S-INDICATOR) explosion-proof LED sign Explosion-proof impulse light signaling devices PGS-VSPYSHKA (EV-4050-FLASH) Explosion-proof LED sign with emergency power supply PGS-IT33.../BAT (SА-INDICATOR/BAT) Explosion-proof light signaling devices PGS-SIGNAL (EV-4050-SIGNAL) Explosion-proof LED informational sign (clock) series PGS-CHASY (SA-INDICATOR/CLOCK) Explosion-proof round signs PGS-IT34 (CCA-03H-INDICATOR) Explosion-proof digital informational LED display PGS-BS (SA-INDICATOR/INFO) Explosion-proof rectangular LED sign PGS-IT35 Stainless steel explosion-proof lighted sign PGS-IT31 (SA-INDICATOR/SS) as per customer's specification Explosion-proof board for process indication PKI-TABLO (CCFE-BOARD) as per customer's specification Explosion-proof sound-and-light signaling device PGSK01 (EV-4050-HOOTER-122) (explosion-proof combined siren+beacon) Explosion-proof audible and visual sign PGSK-TABLO (QFM-S-INDICATOR/M-Q-122) Explosion-proof sound-and-light sign PGSK04 Explosion-proof light and sound signaling device PGSK02 (CSE-ALARM-122) Explosion-proof light and sound signaling device PGSK03 Explosion-proof sound signaling devices PGZ-POST, PGZ-POST-P, PGZ-POST-N (SHORVE-Q, SHORVE-KP-Q, SHORVE-S-Q) Exd sound signaling device with an option of remote tone selection PGZ-REVUN4 (EMHS-12/MOD1) Exd sound signaling device PGZ-SIRENA1 (EMHS) (electrodynamic siren) Exd 32-tone sound signaling device PGZ-REVUN32 (EMHS-12, EMH-12MD, EMHS-20, EMH-20MD) Sound signaling devices PGZ-SIRENA2 (S-HOOTER-122) Explosion-proof loudspeakers series PGZ-GROM2 (EMH-20MDLOUD/TR) Explosion-proof combined sound/sound-and-light signaling devices PGSK-MODULE (QFM-SA/EMH, QFM-CCFE/EMH) Explosion-proof heat-actuated spot-type digital fire detector IP-101-GORELTEX1-A1 (IP-S-101) Explosion-proof heat-actuated spot-type digital fire detector IP-101-GORELTEX1-B (IP-S-101) Explosion-proof heat-actuated spot-type digital fire detector IP-101-GORELTEX1-A2 (IP-S-101) Explosion-proof heat-actuated spot-type digital fire detector IP-101-GORELTEX1-C (IP-S-101) Explosion-proof heat-actuated spot-type digital fire detector IP-101-GORELTEX1-А3 (ИП-S-101) Explosion-proof heat-actuated spot-type digital fire detector IP-101-GORELTEX1-D (IP-S-101) Explosion-proof manual pull stations IP-535-GORELTEX2-A (IP-S-535-GORELTEX) Explosion-proof programmable thermostat GTG-PT (SA-TERMOSTAT-D) Explosion-proof limit switches series DVG-KV (PS) Explosion-proof magnetic reed switch DVG-MV2 (PS-HERCON) Explosion-proof microwave motion sensors series DVG-SHAG (EMHA-WAKEUP) Explosion-proof twilight switch DVG-SVET (CCA-H-RELAY) Customized explosion-proof cabinets SHGV, SHGVA, SHGE, UVG (QFM) General industrial cabinets and boards SHG as per customer's layout Explosion-proof starter SHGV…-PUSK (CCFE-X-PUSK) Explosion-proof starter SHGVA…-PUSK (CCA-X-M) Exploion-proof circuit breaker SHGV-RT3 (EFD-3) with thermal protection function Explosion-proof lighting distribution board type SHGV...-SVET (CCFE-X-SVET) Compact explosion-proof switching module SHGV-VA (CCA-ABT) with circuit breaker Compact explosion-proof switching module SHGV-VA with circuit breaker Explosion-proof circuit breaker-disconnector-fuse SHGV-VRP (CCFE-VRP) Explosion-proof buffer electric power sources SHGV-IBP (SA-BUFIP) Explosion-proof circuit breaker-disconnector-fuse SHGVA-VRP (CCA-VRP) Explosion-proof boards with automatic load transfer type SHGV-AVR (CCFE-R) Explosion-proof power board UVR (CCFE) (10kV) Explosion-proof uninterruptible power source SHGVA-IBP Explosion-proof heater GTG-RADIATOR2 Взрывозащищенные аккумуляторные батареи ВИП-АКБ (SA-АКБ) Explosion-proof grounding device SHGV-UZG (CCFE-GRD) Explosion-proof grounding device SHGVA-UZG (CCA-GRD) Explosion-proof small-sized LED light fixture SGM02-...S (CSE-STRECKE, CSE-STRECKE-U) Explosion-proof sockets RGME (PY/P) Explosion-proof plugs VGME (SPY/P) Explosion-proof sockets RGM (PY) Explosion-proof plugs VGM (SPY) Explosion-proof sockets RGS (FSQC)  Explsoion-proof VGS plugs (FP) Explosion-proof sockets RGB (EPC/EPRC) Explosion-proof plugs VGB (AP-4125) Explosion-proof built-in sockets RGVK for installation in Ex d enclosures Explosion-proof light fixtures for gas discharge lamps SGJ02 (EW, EW-4070N1/U, EW-4070N2/U) with socket Е27 (for mercury Explosion-Proof Sockets RGMK/RGMKV and Plugs VGMK/VGMKV Explosion-proof portable light fixture SGR02-350S (CSC-LEDHAND) Explosion-proof heater module GTG-MODULE Explosion-proof portable light fixtures SGR01 (EVGC-P12 / EVGC-P24) Explosion-proof monitor KTG-MONITOR1 (SA-INDICATOR) Explosion-proof keyboards series KKG-KP (М-PC) Explosion-proof infrared sensor panel KKG-SP (M-PC340) Explosion-proof LED light fixtures SGJ01-...S (EV-1240U, EV-2480U, EV-3720U, EV-4960U, EV-6200U, EV-7440U, EV-11160U) Explosion-proof light fixtures SGJ01 (EV) for different lamps with Е27 socket (for incandescent lamps, energy saving lam Explosion-proof LED light fixtures SGU01(VSP4) Explosion-proof flat LED light fixture series SGU02 (CCFE-01-LEDU) Explosion-proof linear LED light fixtures series SGL01...S Explosion-proof linear LED light fixtures series SGL01...S/N made from stainless steel Explosion-proof light fixtures series SGJ04 (GSP) with socket Е40 for gas discharge lamps (for mercury, metal-halide and Explosion-proof light fixtures for fluorescent lamps series SGL01...L (LSP- ЕхТ, EXEL, AVN) Explosion-proof light fixtures SGL03 (FLFD, FLFE) with electronic ballast for fluorescent lamps Explosion-proof light fixtures SGL01...L/N from stainless steel for fluorescent lamps Explosion-proof light fixtures SGM03-350S (CSC-LEDWIN) for viewing windows Explosion-proof LED floodlights SGP05, luminous flux angle 20° or 60° Explosion-proof spotlights SGP02 (RLEE) Explosion-proof floodlights SGP01 (TIGER) Explosion-proof portable LED light fixtures SGR07 Explosion-proof light fixture for illumination of elongated rooms (corridors, tunnels) SGR05 (EVGC-P220) Explosion-proof LED obstruction lights SGA01-S (XLF-9) Explosion-proof LED obstruction lights SGA02 (XLF-3) Explosion-proof electronic control modules for light signaling devices Explosion-proof LED traffic light PGS-SVETOFOR (ССА-02/S) Explosion-proof battery flashlight FOGOR05 (SECURLUX L10) Explosion-proof LED battery flashlight FOGOR07 (SECURLUX 2) Explosion-proof LED battery flashlights FOGOR06.../AKB (SECURLUX L5R) Explosion-proof specialized battery flashlight FOGOR03 (SECURLUX L10 ALFA) Explosion-proof LED battery flashlights FOGOR06 (SECURLUX L5) Explosion-proof LED battery flashlights FOGOR04 (SECURLUX L3000) Explosion-proof cable elements KVT (FEC/CORD) for insertion of heating cable Support brackets for thermal insulation ОКТ1 (FRAME-CORD) Explosion-proof support brackets for thermal insulation ОКТ3 (FRAME-P1CORD) Explosion-proof adapters series AV (ADL, RE, REM, REN, REB) Explosion-proof plugs series VZN (CPP, PLG) Explosion-proof plugs VZV (МС) Explosion-proof polyamide plugs VZNP (PLG) Explosion-proof protective plugs VZKV (PT/FE) Explosion-proof protective plugs VZKP (PT) Explosion-proof flexible conduit series MGM, MGMA (SP) Ready explosion-proof flexible conduit series MGKV (SP/SD) Explosion-proof wiring boxes series SKV (S) Drain and breather plugs DKUV (ECD) Drain and breather plugs DKUE (ECD/EXE) Breather plugs VKU (ECDS) Explosion-proof nipples series NVN (NP, CPZ) Angle element TUG (ELF) Transition coupling series NVV (EM, CPZF) Conduit element TEG1 (LBH) Fitting joints series TSVNA (AFC-MF) Fitting joints series TSNNA (AFC-MM) Fitting joints series TSVVA (AFC-FF) Fitting joints series RZV (EYS) Nipple-barrier series RKNN-ZK (NPS) with two threaded joints Fitting joints series RZG (EZS) Transition cable element series RKN-ZK (TP) with threaded joint  Transition cable element series RKNC-ZK (СP) with cylindrical joint Explosion-proof axial fans VGO2 (ЕМ-ExT) for ventilation systems and equipment cooling Explosion-proof LED sign PGS-IT36 All-season heated protective containers GTG-CONTAINER (KSH/TERMO-HUGE) with electric heating Explosion-proof all-weather thermal cabinets GTG-SHKAF (KSH/TERMO-BOX) Explosion-proof plate heaters GTG-RADIATOR (RETO-PLATE-RADIATOR) Explosion-proof all-weather floor-mounted thermal cabinets GTG-SHKAF (KSH/TERMO-BOX) with electric heating Explosion-proof heaters GTG-OSHA (RETO-PLATE-HS-480W-T190) for automation cabinets Explosion-proof heating plates GTG-PLASTINA4 (RETO-PLATE/600, RETO-PLATE/1200) Explosion-proof flexible heating medium temperature HV self-regulating cable GTG-KABEL1-105 (RETO-CORD/S/R105-S-MZ) Explosion-proof heating plates GTG-PLASTINA1 (RETO-PLATE-300W/T190, RETO-PLATE-600W/T190, RETO-PLATE-1200W/T190) Explosion-proof small-sized heating plates GTG-PLASTINA5 (RETO-PLATE-CAVO-15W) Explosion-proof heating plates for transportable reservoirs (drums) GTG-LENTA2 (RETO-PLATE-DRUM-M1/T120) Explosion-proof directional heating plates GTG-PLASTINA3 (RETO-PLATE-POST-M1-T80) Explosion-proof quick-removal heating tape GTG-LENTA1 (RETO-PLATE-VALVOLA-M1-T190) Explosion-proof small-sized heating plates GTG-PLASTINA2 (RETO-PLATE-CAVO) Explosion-proof flexible heating low temperature HV self-regulating cable GTG-KABEL1-65 (RETO-CORD/S/R65-S-LD) Explosion-proof flexible heating high temperature high power self-regulating cable GTG-KABEL1-130 (RETO-CORD/S/R130-S-HG Explosion-proof flexible single phase constant wattage heating cable GTG-KABEL2 (RETO-CORD/RD2-RD4) Explosion-proof flexible three-phase constant wattage heating cable GTG-KABEL3 (RETO-CORD/RD3) Non-explosion-proof industrial dust-proof and moisture-proof heating plates GTG-PLASTINA6-Х/PROM (RETO-FIR-PLATE) Взрывозащищенные разветвительные коробки для распределения энергии и сбора информации ДВГ-ТЕРМОСТАТ1 (S-TERMOSTAT) Взрывозащищенные биметаллические термостаты ТЕРМОДАТЧИК-1 (М-TERMOSTAT) Explosion-proof thermal sensors TERMODATCHIK-2 (M-TERMOSENSOR) Взрывозащищенный кабельный элемент для сращивания греющего кабеля ГТГ-СГК (M-CORD) Explosion-proof monitors KTG-MONITOR2 (CCFE4B-DISPLAY) Explosion-proof weather-proof cooled housings VNG-4 series, stainless steel Explosion-proof LED floodlights SGP06 Support brackets for thermal insulation ОКТ4 Explosion-proof manual pull station IP-535-GORELTEX1-А (CSE-IP-535) Explosion-proof manual pull stations IP-535-GORELTEX1-В (CSE-IP-535)