Explosion-proof equipment plant
+7(812) 448-90-90

Свидетельство №13-11.1-6.4.1-1784

Equipment confirmed by certificate:

Explosion-proof thermostat DVG-TERMOSTAT3 KV-KIP (CSC) explosion-proof Exd enclosures (flameproof joints) for measuring instruments and video cameras (ammeters, v PKIVA (CSE) one-, two-, three-button explosion-proof local control stations and signaling devices Explosion-proof four-, five-, six-, seven-button explosion-proof local control stations and indicating devices PKIV (CSE Explosion-proof multi-button local control stations and indicating devices PKIV (CCFE-01) Ready standard Exd local control stations and indicating devices, rotary switches (switches) PPG series explosion-proof Ex d rotary switches 20А, 25А PPG series explosion-proof Ex d rotary switches 63A, 80A Aluminum-silicon alloy explosion-proof local control stations and indicating devices PKIE (SHORVE) as per customer's lay Ready aluminum-silicon alloy explosion-proof local control stations and indicating devices PKIE (SHORVE) Explosion-proof armored polyester local control stations and indicating devices PKIE-P (SHORVE-KP) as per customer's lay Ready standard armored polyester local control stations and indicating devices PKIE-P (SHORVE-KP) Explosion-proof stainless steel local control stations and indicating devices PKIE-N (SHORVE-S) as per customer's layout Ready standard stainless steel local control stations and indicating devices PKIE-N (SHORVE-S) PKIE-PKL explosion-proof rocker switches Explosion-proof control units for lifting mechanisms PKIV-UPM, PKIVA-UPM Explosion-proof lift call panels PKIVA-UVL, lift control panels PKIV-ULK, lift control panels from roof PKIV-REVIZIYA, c Explosion-proof remote drive control panel PKIV-DPU, PKIE-DPU (CCFE-MR, SA-MR, CCFE-CF, SA-CF) Explosion-proof limit switches series DVG-KV (PS) Explosion-proof magnetic reed switch DVG-MV2 (PS-HERCON) Explosion-proof microwave motion sensors series DVG-SHAG (EMHA-WAKEUP) Explosion-proof twilight switch DVG-SVET (CCA-H-RELAY) Взрывозащищенные разветвительные коробки для распределения энергии и сбора информации ДВГ-ТЕРМОСТАТ1 (S-TERMOSTAT)