Explosion-proof universal cable glands KOVTVL for armored and non-armored cable in hoses, pipe conduits, metal hoses, as well as open wiring or cable laid in cable tray; inner thread for external connection

Explosion-proof universal cable glands KOVTVL for armored and non-armored cable in hoses, pipe conduits, metal hoses, as well as open wiring or cable laid in cable tray; inner thread for external connectionPURPOSE AND SCOPE OF APPLICATION

KOVTVL explosion-proof cable glands for armored cable in hoses, pipe conduits, metal hoses, as well as open wiring or cables laid in cable tray, are used in places where explosion-proof sealing on cable sheath is required. They secure the cable against accidental pulling out. KOVTVL explosion-proof cable glands feature inner thread at the outlet, which helps to connect flexible hoses, pipe conduits, corrugated metal hoses, etc. It is allowed to use KOVTVL cable glands for non-armored cables.

The most important development is the use of one sealing ring for the whole range of diameters of crimped cable, which reliably crimps the incoming cable and ensures Exd type of protection. One sealing ring together with mandrel or cable withstand the force in newtons, which is equal to the twentyfold diameter value (in mm) of the mandrel or the cable. This helps to use KOVTVL series explosion-proof cable glands without additional unloading of cable.

Increased wall thickness of bodies of GORELTEX cable glands considerably enhances their strength compared with cable glands of other manufacturers.

Clamping ring of the armor helps to use KOVTVL cable gland for all types of cable armor/braid: wire armor, with braid, tape armor. Clamping ring of the armor helps to crimp armor/braid with the thickness from 0 to 2.5 mm.

The main difference between KOVTVL series cable glands from KOVTV series is absence of external sealing ring for armor IP. Also, as in KOVTV cable glands one sealing ring is used to fasten the cable (in cable glands with dimension types from 1 to 4). Two sealing rings are used in KOVTVL cable glands of 5 and 6 dimension types in order to increase the range of crimped cable.

Combined single orientation clamping system of the armor and sealing of cable inner sheath are used in KOVTVL series cable glands. Such combined system helps to avoid phase-to-phase voltage/ linear shift between inner sheath and armor/braid of the cable during mounting of cable gland. Mounting of KOVTVL series cable gland is more convenient and error-free: presence of a combined fastening element does not require constant balancing between fastening clamp of the armor and that of the cable inner sheath. This guarantees high-quality sealing of the cable inner sheath and reliable galvanic coupling between cable gland body and cable armor. Dimensions of cable glands are significantly reduced which helps to save space and reduce the weight of the explosion-proof device.

KOVTVL explosion-proof cable glands ensure earthing circuit continuity between cable armor/braid and cable gland body by means of clamping ring of the armor/braid that ensures protection against electromagnetic disturbances.

KOVTVL explosion-proof cable glands are completely suitable for use with equipment having ExnR marking.

Thanks to their design, KOVTVL explosion-proof cable glands ensure cable unloading, protection against pulling out without causing damage to the structure of cable sheath and conductors, as well as prevent cable overcompression.

When choosing KOVTVL series cable gland, it is necessary to consider that dimension type of thread at the outlet is larger than at the connecting part.

Explosion-proof cable glands of KOVTVL series are designed in Russia (Patent No. 155936, rightholder "ZAVOD GORELTEX" Co. Ltd. , operating characteristics of which significantly surpass Russian and foreign analogues.

Scope of application – outdoor and indoor hazardous areas as per explosion protection marking, GOST 30852.13-2002 (IEC 60079-14:1996), dangerous production facilities of I, II, III, IV hazard class supervised by Rostechnadzor of the RF and national technical supervision bodies of the Customs Union and CIS countries.

ГОСТ 14254-96 (МЭК 529-89), ГОСТ 30852.8-2002 (МЭК 60079-0:1998), ГОСТ 30852.14-2002, ГОСТ 30852.10-2002 (МЭК 60079-11:1999), ГОСТ Р МЭК 60079-0-2011, РД 5.2-093-2004, ГОСТ IEC 60079-1-2011, Гл. 7.3 ПУЭ, Гл. 7.4 ПУЭ, ТР ТС 012/2011, ТР ТС 004/2011
Маркировка взрывозащиты Marking:
1Ex db IIC Gb
1Ex e IIС Gb
Ex tb IIIC Db
Mining equipment marking:
РН1, РН2
Ambient temperature, °С:
-75...+130 (for /HOLOD)
-60…+185 (for /TERMO)
-60…+130 (for РН1, РН2)
Nickel-plated brass resistant to vapor of hydrogen sulphide, hydrochloric acid and sea fog, NK code
Stainless steel grade 08Х18Н10 as per GOST 5632-2014 (AISI 304) N code
Climatic version:
NF1 (upon request NF2, NF3, NF4, NF5, F1, F2, F3, F5, MU1, MU2, MU3, MU4, W2.1, W5)
Protective plug (for closing of unused cable gland)
External seal for ingress protection (IP) on thread (cylindrical and metric thread)
Locknut (cylindrical and metric thread)
Grounding ring
Additional sealing ring for extension of the crimped cable diameter range
Stainless steel grade 03Х17Н13М2 as per GOST 5632-2014 (316L)
Marine version
Non-explosion-proof version
Габаритные и присоединительные размеры KOVTVL
Explosion-proof cable glands KOVTVL, metric thread GOST 24705
Cable gland dimension type Thread Dimensions, mm Diameter of crimped cable, mm Mass, kg
all files
M1, GOST 24705 M2, GOST 6357-81 АС1 АС2 АС3 ØM C Inner Ød Outer ØD
KOVTVL1MG M20x1,5 1/2" 30 30 24 33 85 5-14 8-18 0,2
KOVTVL2MG M25x1,5 3/4" 34 34 30 37 93 9-18 12-23 0,3
KOVTVL2MG.../Р M25x1,5 3/4" 34 34 30 37 93 4-18 12-23 0,3
KOVTVL3MG M32x1,5 1" 41 41 36 46 97 14-23 17-29 0,4
KOVTVL3MG.../Р M32x1,5 1" 41 41 36 46 97 8-23 17-29 0,4
KOVTVL4MG M40x1,5 1 1/4" 50 50 46 56 91 22-31 25-37 0,5
KOVTVL4MG.../Р M40x1,5 1 1/4" 50 50 46 56 91 17-31 25-37 0,5
KOVTVL5MG M50x1,5 1 1/2" 60 60 55 65 89 31-41 34-44 0,7
KOVTVL5MG.../Р M50x1,5 1 1/2" 60 60 55 65 89 21-41 24-44 0,7
KOVTVL6MG M63x1,5 2" 70 70 70 78 95 39-49 42-55 1
KOVTVL6MG.../Р M63x1,5 2" 70 70 70 78 95 29-49 32-55 1

Explosion-proof cable glands KOVTVL, taper inch thread NPT
Cable gland dimension type Thread Dimensions, mm Diameter of crimped cable, mm Mass, kg
M1, NPT M2, ГОСТ 6357-81 АС1 АС2 АС3 ØM C Inner Ød Outer ØD
KOVTVL1NG 1/2" 1/2" 30 30 24 33 88 5-14 8-18 0,2
KOVTVL2NG 3/4" 3/4" 34 34 30 37 96 9-18 12-23 0,3
KOVTVL2NG.../Р 3/4" 3/4" 34 34 30 37 96 4-18 12-23 0,3
KOVTVL3NG 1" 1" 41 41 36 46 104 14-23 17-29 0,4
KOVTVL3NG.../Р 1" 1" 41 41 36 46 104 8-23 17-29 0,4
KOVTVL4NG 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 50 50 46 56 98 22-31 25-37 0,5
KOVTVL4NG.../Р 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 50 50 46 56 98 17-31 25-37 0,5
KOVTVL5NG 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 60 60 55 65 97 31-41 34-44 0,7
KOVTVL5NG.../Р 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 60 60 55 65 97 21-41 24-44 0,7
KOVTVL6NG 2" 2" 70 70 70 78 95 39-49 42-55 1
KOVTVL6NG.../Р 2" 2" 70 70 70 78 95 29-49 32-55 1

RKN adapter made of galvanized steel for connection of non-explosion-proof corrugated metal hose.*
RKN type Name of metal hose Inside diameter of metal hose, mm Diameter of KOVTVL external connection thread, G cylindrical pipe thread GOST 6357-81
RKN12 RZ-TSKH-12, MRPI-12 12 1/2"
RKN15 RZ-TSKH-15, MRPI-15 15 1/2"
RKN16НК ГЕРДА-МГ-16 16 1/2"
RKN20+AB-2GВ-1GН RZ-TSKH-20, MRPI-20 20 1/2"
RKN20 RZ-TSKH-20, MRPI-20 20 3/4"
RKN22НК ГЕРДА-МГ-22 22 3/4"
RKN25+AB-3GВ-2GН RZ-TSKH-25, MRPI-25 25 3/4"
RKN25 RZ-TSKH-25, MRPI-25 25 1"
RKN25НК ГЕРДА-МГ-25 25 1"
RKN32+AB-4GВ-3GН RZ-TSKH-32, MRPI-32 32 1"
RKN32 RZ-TSKH-32, MRPI-32 32 1 1/4"
RKN35НК ГЕРДА-МГ-35 35 1 1/4"
RKN38+AB-5GВ-4GН RZ-TSKH-38, MRPI-38 38 1 1/4"
RKN38 RZ-TSKH-38, MRPI-38 38 1 1/2"
RKN40НК ГЕРДА-МГ-40 40 1 1/2"
RKN50+AB-6GВ-5GН RZ-TSKH-50, MRPI-50 50 1 1/2"
RKN50 RZ-TSKH-50, MRPI-50 50 2"

* In order to connect the metal hoses with different combination of inside diameter and diameter of crimped cable, it is required to use other size of AV adapter.

Гофрированный металлорукав
Гофрированный металлорукав
резиновый рукав из хладостойкой резины, армированного сталью

Диаметр обжимаемого кабеля, мм:
Tип резьбы кабельного ввода:
Размер резьбы кабельного ввода:
Тип резьбы для внешнего присоединения:
Материал кабельного ввода:
Добавить присоединительный переходник:
Размер присоединительной резьбы переходника:
Материал переходника:
KOVTVL X Х Х Х Х / Х  – TU 3400-007-72453807-07
                Cable gland type
                Dimension type
                Thread type: Taper inch NPT - N; Metric GOST 24705 - M; Taper pipe GOST 6211-81 - R;
Pipe cylindrical GOST 6357-81 - G
                Dimension type for external connection*
                Type of thread for external connection thread**: Taper inch NPT - N; Metric GOST  24705 - M;
Taper pipe GOST 6211-81 - R; Pipe cylindrical GOST 6357-81 - G
                Cable gland material: Nickel-plated brass - NK, Stainless steel - N
                Options, accessories and versions

*Code of dimension type of external thread is not specified if it correponds to inner thread. 
**Code of externak thread type is not specified, if dimension type and type of external thread corresponds to the inner thread. 

KOVTVL1М2GNK -TU 3400-007-72453807-07
- Cable type: armored (inner thread)
- Thread: M20x15 metric GOST 24705
- Thread (at the outlet): 3/4" pipe cylindrical GOST 6357-81
- Material: nickel-plated brass
KOVTVLЛ1МGNK -TU 3400-007-72453807-07
- Cable type: armored (inner thread)
- Thread: M20x15 metric GOST 24705
Thread (at the outlet): 1/2" pipe cylindrical GOST 6357-81
- Material: nickel-plated brass