Explosion-proof protective plugs VZKV (PT/FE)

Explosion-proof protective plugs VZKV (PT/FE)PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF APPLICATION

Explosion-proof protective plugs VZKV serve to seal unused cable glands. They may be used as transportation plugs to prevent ready products  from moisture and dirt during transportation. Protective plugs VZKV are installed into sealing ring of the cable gland.

Scope of application – underground mines and pits hazardous with gas (methane), coal dust; outdoor and indoor hazardous areas as per explosion protection marking, GOST 30852.13-2002 (IEC 60079-14:1996), dangerous production facilities of I, II, III, IV hazard class supervised by Rostechnadzor of the RF and national technical supervision bodies of the Customs Union and CIS countries.

ГОСТ 30852.0-2002 (МЭК 60079-0:1998), ГОСТ 30852.1-2002 (МЭК 60079-1:1998), ГОСТ 30852.8-2002 (МЭК 60079-0:1998), ГОСТ 30852.20-2002, ГОСТ 30852.10-2002 (МЭК 60079-11:1999), ГОСТ 30852.20-2002, ТР ТС 012/2011, ГОСТ 14254-96 (МЭК 529-89)
Маркировка взрывозащиты Marking:
Ex db IIC Gb U
Ex e IIC Gb U
Ex nR IIC Gc U
Ex tb IIIC Db U
Mining equipment marking:
Ex e I Mc U
Ex db I Mb U
Ambient temperature, °С:
Stainless steel AISI 304
Stainless steel AISI 316L
Nickel-plated brass, resistant to hydrogen sulfide vapor, hydrochloric acid and sea fog
Climatic version:
NF1 (upon request NF2, NF3, NF4, NF5, F1, F2, F3, F5, T1, T2, T3, T5, MU1, MU2, MU3, MU4, W2.1, W5)
Габаритные и присоединительные размеры VZKV

Table of plugs conformity to cable glands of KNV, KOV, KNVTV, KNVTN, KOVTV, KOVTN, KNE series
Plug Cable gland size d diameter, mm H length, mm Mass, kg
Nickel-plated brass Aluminum Stainless steel AISI 304 Stainless steel AISI 316L Plastic
VZKV01 1 7,5 16,5 0,002 0,002 0,006
VZKV1 1 11,5 16,5 0,012 0,004 0,011 0,011 0,002
VZKV2 2 17,5 19 0,025 0,008 0,024 0,024 0,004
VZKV3 3 24,5 21 0,044 0,014 0,042 0,042 0,01
VZKV4 4 30,5 19 0,058 0,019 0,05 0,05 0,013
VZKV5 5 38,5 23 0,109 0,035 0,104 0,104 0,024
VZKV6 6 46,5 23 0,149 0,048 0,142 0,142
VZKV7 7 54 26 0,251 0,08 0,24
VZKV8 8 70 26 0,44 0,141 0,42
VZKV10 10 86 26 0,203 0,6

Table of plugs conformity to cable glands of KNVM series
Plug Cable gland d diameter, mm H length, m Mass, kg
Nickel-plated brass Aluminum Stainless steel AISI 304 Stainless steel AISI 316L Plastic
VZKVM1 KNVM1-12 8,5 16,5 0,007 0,002
VZKV1 KNVM1-15 11,5 16,5 0,012 0,004 0,011 0,011 0,002
VZKV2 KNVM2-20 17,5 19 0,025 0,008 0,024 0,024 0,004
VZKVM3 KNVM3-25 21,5 16,5 0,03 0,012 0,03

VZKVM4 KNVM4-32 28,5 18
0,016 0,048


Table of plugs conformity to cable glands of KOVTVL series
Plug Cable gland d diameter, mm H length, mm Mass, kg
Nickel-plated brass Aluminum Stainless steel AISI 304 Stainless steel AISI 316L Plastic
VZKVЛ1 KOVTVL1 13,5 16,5 0,015 0,005 0,014
VZKV2 KOVTVL2 17,5 19 0,025 0,008 0,024 0,024 0,004
VZKV3 KOVTVL3 24,5 21 0,044 0,014 0,042 0,042 0,01
VZKV4 KOVTVL4 30,5 19 0,058 0,019 0,05 0,05 0,013
VZKVЛ5 KOVTVL5 40,5 20 0,118 0,04
VZKVЛ6 KOVTVL6 48,5 23 0,16 0,05

Table of plugs conformity to cable glands of KNEP series
Plug Cable gland d diameter, mm H length, mm Mass, kg
Nickel-plated brass Aluminum Stainless steel AISI 304 Stainless steel AISI 316L Plastic
VZKV01 KNEP01 7,5 16,5 0,002 0,002 0,006
VZKV1 KNEP1 11,5 16,5 0,012 0,004 0,011 0,011 0,002
VZKV2 KNEP2 17,5 19 0,025 0,008 0,024 0,024 0,004
VZKV3 KNEP3 24,5 21 0,044 0,014 0,042 0,042 0,01
VZKV4 KNEP4 30,5 19 0,058 0,019 0,05 0,05 0,013
VZKV   X   X  – TU 27.33.13-031-72453807-2017
          Type of Plug
          Material: A - Aluminum alloy, P - Plastic, N - Stainless steel AISI 304, N AISI 316L - Stainless steel AISI 316L, NK - Nickel-plated brass

EXAMPLE: VZKV2A-TU 27.33.13-031-72453807-2017
