Explosion-proof digital informational LED display PGS-BS (SA-INDICATOR/INFO)

Explosion-proof digital informational LED display PGS-BS (SA-INDICATOR/INFO)PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF APPLICATION

Explosion-proof digital LED display PGS-BS is applied at chemical, oil-and-gas producing, oil-and-gas-processing and shipbuilding facilities, and in hazardous areas at other production facilities and enables indication of any information (time, temperature, emergency exits, advertising and trade, technical information etc.) in places where explosive atmospheres may be present.

The advantage of this solution is a possibility to programme any text or graphic directly on customer‘s site (programming interface RS232), and high legibility of displayed information thanks to light emitting diodes of high brightness.

Explosion-proof digital LED display PGS-BS ensures possibility of text display with effects: static sign, twinkling sign, scrolling sign). The advantage of a scrolling sign is a possibility to display a large amount of text and graphical information on a relatively small area of the display, by means of horizontal move of displayed information. Data unit is uploaded to the memory of the explosion-proof digital informational display and after that the display operates independently (i.e. constant connection of RS232 is not required). Explosion-proof digital LED display is equipped with non-volatile memory which ensures storage of uploaded information independently from presence of power supply.

As of today, explosion-proof display PGS-BS is the biggest pf its kind. It comprises all advantages of LED displays and has the dimensions of display area 960x160 mm and resolution 16 dots in vertical direction, and that allows display of information in bolded fonts, which improves its comprehension by people with vision disorders from all viewing angles and gives competitive advantage over analogous products of other manufacturers. Radiant intensity and brightness of light emitting diodes of text output of red or green color on black background completely ensures contrast perception of information in any lighting conditions.

Size of display area of LED board is 960x160 mm, 640x160 mm and 320x160 mm. Image resolution can be 32х16, 64х16, 96х16 dots. Indication color: single-color - red, white, yellow, green, blue; two-color - red/green.

Stainless steel enclosure guarantees reliability and durability of operation of the explosion-proof display even in the harshest operating conditions.

Scope of application - hazardous indoor and outdoor areas in accordance with explosion protection marking, GOST 30852.13-2002 (IEC 60079-14:1996) that regulates application of electrical equipment in hazardous areas, dangerous production facilities of I, II, III, IV hazard classes under supervision of Rostekhnadzor and national supervisory bodies of the CU and the CIS countries.

ГОСТ Р МЭК 60079-0-2011, ГОСТ 14254-96 (МЭК 529-89), ГОСТ 30852.0-2002 (МЭК 60079-0:1998), ГОСТ 22782.3-77, ГОСТ 24754-2013, ТР ТС 012/2011, Гл. 7.3 ПУЭ, Гл. 7.4 ПУЭ, ГОСТ ССБТ, ТР ТС 004/2011, ГОСТ 30852.20-2002, ГОСТ IEC 60950-1-2014, ГОСТ 30805.22-2013, ГОСТ CISPR 24-2013, ГОСТ 30804.3.2-2013, ГОСТ 30804.3.3-2013
Маркировка взрывозащиты Marking:
1Ex s IIC T6…T5 Gb
Ex tb IIIC T70°С ...T100°С Db
Mining equipment marking:
Ambient temperature, °С:
-60...+40 (Т6/Т85°С)
-60...+60 (Т5/Т100°С)
-60...+60 (for mine normal and general industrial designs)
Supply voltage, V:
~220 (50/60 Hz);
12 V
Current consumption, A:
Maximum consumption current, W:
Stainless steel
Display area, mm:
960x160, 640x160, 320x160
Image resolution:
32х16, 64х16, 96х16 dots
Electric shock hazard protection class:
Climatic version:
NF1 (upon request NF4, NF5, T1, T2, T3, T5, F5, MU1, MU2, MU3, MU4, W5)
Protective canopy
Heating for automation
Non-explosion-proof version
Marine version
Nameplates with light-reflective coating
Nameplate with inscription as per customer’s specification
Installation on frame

Габаритные размеры взрывозащищенного  табло ПГС-БС

Model Temperature class
Size, mm Mass, kg
PGS-BS960160 T5 1200 220 70 25
PGS-BS640160 880 220 70 upon request
PGS-BS320160 560 220 70 upon request
PGS-BS    X -  Х  /  Х  /  Х  /   Х  /  Х  – TU 3400-005-72453807-07
                          Type of alarm
                          Size of LED module: 320160, 640160, 960160
                          Supply voltage: ~220 V - 220AC; =12 V - 12DC
                          Text (display of any information upon customer’s request)

Text color: Red – K; Yellow – ZH; Green – Z; Blue – S;

White – B; Red/ Green – KZ

                          Quantity and dimension type of cable glands
                          Options, accessories and versions



Advantages of explosion-proof digital LED display

Взрывозащищенные светодиодные электронное информационное табло ПГС-БС Взрывозащищенные светодиодные электронное информационное табло ПГС-БС

Current GOST R 53325-2009. requires that "Fire alarms must provide contrast perception of information at its illumination within range from 1 to 500 lux". SNiP 23-05-95 regulates illumination of industrial sites up to 5000 lux. These requirements date back to 1998 and concern explosion-proof light displays installed in rooms and not exposed to sunlight. The sizes of protected sites and their illumination have changed since that time, and explosion-proof visual alarms are now installed on open sites too.

Illumination 300-500 lux could be compared to office lighting by means of fluorescent lamps (daylight lamps). Daylight when the sky is cloudy reaches approximately 5000 lux, clear sky gives approximately 10 000 lux and direct sunlight can exceed 45 000 lux depending on weather conditions. That is why it is very important to ensure good perception of information from explosion-proof light displays in case of their installation on open sites and in places exposed to sunlight and in other places where illumination can exceed 5000 lux.

One of the main factors of accomplishment of the best indicators of information perception quality from explosion-proof light display is the size of informational area, reflective power of ambient light sources and emission of light by text information itself, which makes its perception unambiguous in any lighting conditions and eliminates possibility of wrongful reading when the display is not active (switched off).

Explosion-proof displays on the base of LED matrices combine these factors in the best possible way. The information is displayed directly by the light sources which makes its perception unambiguous in any lighting conditions. The information can‘t be read wrongly, as when the display is not active, the display area is black.

As of today, explosion-proof display PGS-BS is the biggest pf its kind. It comprises all advantages of LED displays and has the dimensions of display area 960x160 mm and resolution 16 dots in vertical direction, and that allows display of information in bolded fonts, which improves its comprehension by people with vision disorders from all viewing angles and gives competitive advantage over analogous products of other manufacturers. Radiant intensity and brightness of light emitting diodes of text output of red or green color on black background completely ensures contrast perception of information in any lighting conditions.

 A series of check measurements in various lighting conditions from 300 to 45 000 lux and at various viewing angles up to 60 degr. was performed to create a comparative characteristics of explosion-proof light displays. A mixed group of experts of different age groups and with different vision level took part in the research.

На графике представлены сводные данные экспериментальных исследований качества восприятия информации со световых взрывозащищенных табло различной конструкции в зависимости от освещенности, расстояния, угла обзора, однозначности восприятия информации.

  Digital LED display PGS-BS
  Light signs with backlighting
  Light signs with incandescent lamp
  Fluorescent signs
  Indicator signs

Summary data of experimental research of quality of perception of information from explosion-proof light displays of various designs depending on illumination, distance, viewing angle, unambiguousness of information perception are presented on the chart.

Research results:
1) Quality of perception of text information from light displays deteriorates as their illumination increases
2) Quality of perception of text information deteriorates as the distance to the display increases and as viewing angle increases within one illumination level.
3) Font size impacts quality of perception of text information.

Previous international name

TU 3400-006-72453807-07
The Customs Union name

TU 3400-006-72453807-07